How long does 3D scanning take

How long does 3D scanning take

Have you ever wondered how long 3D scanning takes? Sometimes it only takes a few minutes, while other times it can take several hours or even an entire day to scan an object. The scanning time depends on several factors, including object size, accuracy and resolution requirements, and post-processing needs. Let’s analyze these factors in detail.



1.Object Size

One of the most significant factors influencing scanning speed is the size of the object. Scanning small objects is generally faster than scanning large ones, as scanners have a limited scanning range. If the model exceeds the scanner's specifications, you may need to scan from multiple angles multiple times, which can extend the overall time required.

Additionally, repeatedly scanning the same connecting parts in different projects can be beneficial for alignment and merging later on. For larger models, it's essential to be mindful of the scanning range and working distance, as losing tracking can become an issue. Take your time and prioritize quality over speed; rushing can lead to rough scans that may require reshooting, ultimately wasting more time.

For reference, scanning a small pig (3.6cm x 6cm x 3.7cm) takes approximately 3 minutes In contrast, scanning a large vehicle (490.8cm x 186.2cm x 144.9cm) takes around 3 hours.

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2.Accuracy and Resolution Requirement

When working with models that feature vibrant colors and intricate patterns, it’s essential to invest additional time and effort to accurately recreate them. If the texture capture is unclear, a slower scanning process may be necessary. You might spend nearly twice as long scanning a textured object compared to a smooth one.

By practical test, scanning a smooth vase of a certain size takes 1 minute 37 seconds, while scanning a vase adorned with color and texture takes 2 minutes 36 seconds. It is demonstrated that both accuracy and resolution directly impact scanning speed—the higher the precision required, the more time you will need to allocate.



3.Post dealing: JM Studio Software  

The most critical step following scanning is the software processing phase, which is an integral part of the 3D scanning workflow. This part will consume several minutes or several hours, depending on your scanning data volume. The editing process typically includes:

a) Align: Use auto or manual align. Complex models often require manual alignment for greater accuracy.
b) Statistical Noise Removal: Clean up the isolated points in the cloud.
c) Fusion: Mesh the point cloud data by connecting the dots to produce a complete model. This step is mandatory as it combines all scanned elements into a unified object.
d) Remove Floating Parts: Clean up the mesh by removing the floating noises from the scans. It is also a mandatory option.
e) Repair Gaps: Fill the holes on the mesh to produce a watertight model. Choose it carefully, especially if you have a hollowed piece. To address gaps at the edges of the scanned object, you can use Geomagic Wrap for 3DMakerpro software with the Mesh Doctor feature.
f) Simplify: Narrow down the amount of mesh faces to reduce the data size. This is generally advisable as it can minimize the volume of scanned data and enhance the processing speed.
g) Texture Mapping: Apply the texture or color information onto the mesh surface. Note that color options are available only with certain 3DMakerpro scanners. Use this feature if you wish to save an additional image file for display.

While these procedures may not be overly complicated, they can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with intricate objects. For example, processing a small pig model (3.6cm x 6cm x 3.7cm) may take around 8 minutes, while a large vehicle model (490.8cm x 186.2cm x 144.9cm) could take about 3 hours.

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Contrast our four scanners

To give you a better sense of scanning time, we'll compare how long it takes four scanners to scan an object. Let's see how they perform!


Object 1: Deer

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Moose Scanner: 2 minutes 36 seconds to scan; 4 minutes 30 seconds to process; total: 7 minutes 06 seconds. Scanning results are very fine.

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Lynx Scanner: 1 minute 37 seconds to scan; 3 minutes 16 seconds to process; total: 4 minutes 54 seconds. Scanning results are very complete.

Seal Scanner: 7 minutes 08 seconds to scan, 8 minutes 54 seconds to process; total: 16 minutes 02 seconds. The scans are very detailed, but the hollow portions can cause tracking issues. The Seal Scanner is better suited for sweeping small, delicate items.

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Mole Scanner: 2 minutes 11 seconds to scan, 5 minutes 12 seconds to process; total: 7 minutes 24 seconds. Scanning is relatively fast, but care is needed to avoid misalignment.


Object 2: Vase

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Moose Scanner: 5 minutes 40 seconds to scan and, 8 minutes 08 seconds to process; total: 13 minutes 49 seconds. Details are well reproduced and captured in color.

Lynx Scanner: 1 minute 49 seconds to scan, 2 minutes 54 seconds to process; total: 4 minutes 44 seconds. Offers a wide scanning range and fast imaging speed. Lynx is suitable for sweeping large objects, such as cars.

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Seal Scanner: 10 minutes 37 seconds to scan, 11 minutes 54 seconds to process; total: 22 minutes 31 seconds. High color reproduction, but slower scanning.

Mole Scanner: 5 minutes 06 seconds to scan, 4 minutes 47 seconds to process; total: 9 minutes 54 seconds. Faster imaging, but may require multiple scans for completeness.

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From this evaluation, we see that the Lynx Scanner offers the fastest scanning times, while the Moose and Seal Scanners provide the highest accuracy. The Lynx and Mole Scanners are best for larger objects, whereas the Moose and Seal Scanners excel with smaller items. The Mole Scanner maintains stable performance across different object sizes. In the scanning process, we tried many times because not every scanner is good at every model, and some scanners may fail to catch the glossy black or red objects; some scanners are good at scanning small objects while some have good performance at large objects. Therefore you need to choose a suitable scanner for different programs.



In a Word

3D scanning can be an enjoyable process, but it requires patience. Choosing the most suitable scanner for your models can save you a significant amount of time. Additionally, individual experience and equipment familiarity can lead to varying scanning times, so consider this passage as a reference rather than an authority. We hope you find a scanner that suits your needs and preferences in 3DMakerpro!

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