When undertaking a 3D scanning job, it's common to encounter various challenges. Today, we'll outline ten common mistakes and provide advice to help you navigate these issues effectively.
1. Choose Complex Objects
Scanners excel at reproducing images, but certain materials can pose challenges. Dark colors (like black or red), high gloss and transparent surfaces, and metallic surfaces often reflect light poorly, making it difficult for scanners to capture detail. To improve results, use AESUB blue scanning spray, which enhances visibility without glare. This spray is colorless and will dissipate over time, eliminating the need for cleanup. However, avoid contact with children and pets, and do not spray near people's faces. Aim 15-20 cm above the object's surface and spray diagonally. Alternatively, consider using our Mole or Whale scanners, which perform well with dark objects and in low-light conditions.
The second situation is when the item has hollowed-out parts or is relatively thin, which can also easily lead to a failed scan. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a scanner with a larger scanning area or a higher scanning accuracy. You can also try the spray mentioned earlier.

2. Neglecting Surface Preparation
A clean model is crucial for a successful scan. A dirty or dusty object complicates the scanning and processing stages, negatively affecting your digital model. Before scanning, gently wipe items with a damp paper towel or use a pristine model.

3. Not Adjust Exposure
Adjusting the exposure before scanning is essential for optimal clarity. Simply drag the exposure parameter progress bar to enhance visibility. You can also make adjustments during the scanning process to better suit your needs.
4. Selecting the Unsuitable Scanner
Each scanner is good at something different, so choosing the right one is important to save you time and increase the success rate of your work. For example, the Seal scanner is better suited for coins than the Lynx scanner. If you choose Lynx scanner, you may get a round object without a pattern. However, the Seal scanner could restore its texture details and color beautifully. Additionally, the Moose scanner has 24-bit color textures, which easily display the object’s original color and are easy to align for several scanning data. While the Mole can achieve similar results only with an additional color kit. Therefore, choosing a suitable tool is crucial.
5. Moving Too Quickly
Movement speed is critical for a successful scan. If you move too fast, especially with larger objects, you may lose tracking. If this happens, return to the last known tracking point slowly. Some scanners have a limited capture range, so slower movements are often necessary. Additionally, be cautious when using a turntable, because sometimes it can complicate returning to the original position if it moves too quickly.

6.Losing Tracking
Tracking loss can occur due to various factors, including object color, material, structure, and movement speed. If you experience tracking issues, don't panic; simply adjust your scanning angle and distance from the object. Be mindful of your distance from the object, as being too close or too far can disrupt tracking. Monitor the scanner's left-side distance indicator: blue indicates a perfect distance, while red suggests you're too close or too far. JM Studio software provides real-time reminders to assist you.

Misalignment often occurs when scanning at high speeds or if your hand is tilted. The only solution is to rescan, as misalignment can result in double shadows or multiple incorrect images. Think of it like noticing a small rot on an apple; ignoring it could lead to greater problems. Restarting promptly will ensure a more efficient workflow. Additionally, some scanners are more prone to misalignment with specific objects, so testing is advisable.

8.Incorrect Manual Alignment
After completing your scans, you may need to engage in the time-consuming process of alignment. While automatic alignment is effective, it may not suffice for complex items. Manual alignment is necessary when combining data from multiple angles, containing the front side, left side, backside, top head, or bottom. When scanning from different perspectives, ensure you repeat some positions to create junction points for alignment. There is another tip: when you click the “confirm” button when you finish alignment, the several scanning objects will combine into one, which is non-reverse, and can’t be modified again. If you are not sure and want to re-align, directly choose the next procedure-- Process. When you do this several times, it may turn simple for you!

9.Using the Wrong Repair Gaps
The "repair gaps" option can be useful but is only suitable for objects without hollows or holes. If you scan a vast or a deer, then choose “repair gaps”, it will be a disaster. The filling material will infuse in the whole vase, then your print piece can’t hold the flowers. And your deer will turn strange and have more than four legs. Thus, you should think twice when choosing the option. Generally, remove noise and remove floating parts, these two functions meet your needs to a great extent. If you want to fix some gaps, recommend using Geomagic Wrap for 3DMakerpro software to experience doctor mesh and hole-filling functions.

10.Wrong Remove Noise
It is a basic but powerful function for users. As we mentioned before, choose automatic remove noise and remove floating parts functions. For manual removal, utilize various lasso tools (rectangle, polyline, circle, point) to select and press “Delete” key to remove unwanted areas. You can also hold "Ctrl" while dragging the mouse to select unnecessary parts and then delete them. Always double-check your selections to avoid unintentionally removing essential details for the digital model is 3D dimension, you may inadvertently selected both the front and back at the same time and deleted by mistake.
Finally, remember that diligent practice is key. While these precautions may seem complex, consistent practice will help you avoid mistakes and improve your 3D scanning skills. Best of luck on your scanning journey!